Lexington and Concord Moves South

When America’s Founding Fathers conceived of our republic, they drew extensively on the experiences of the Greek and the Roman republics of old. An important lesson was that monarchies, aristocracies, oligarchies, and pure democracies were a bad idea and should be avoided, a key point made by the Greek historian Polybius.            Read more…


Politicians—I know, I was one once—are particularly gifted at identifying self-interests. They do it all the time. It should come as no surprise to note that with every vote, legislators wonder, occasionally in public but mostly in private, “how will the people respond to the vote I just made?” It’s a selfish Read more…


I am reading, thinking, and writing a lot these days. In many ways it keeps me going as I watch in shock and horror how our norms are being disrupted by illogic, whim, and dangerous ideas, all of which will do little to sustain our culture, our civilization, indeed our country. Why Read more…