Defining Deviancy Down

In 1992, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) penned an article in The American Spectator titled “Defining Deviancy Down: How We’ve Become Accustomed to Alarming Levels of Crime and Destructive Behavior”. In it, Moynihan addressed the permissive decline of society in the 1990s. If he was alive today, he would wonder if the country had fallen Read more…


It’s easy to grow weary of politics, despite the fact that for 16 years as an elected member of the Virginia General Assembly I was clutched by its talons. It wasn’t as if I was unwilling prey. But it was a tight grip that held me. In 2017, the grasp was loosened, and Read more…

Liberation and Lessons

Thirty-two years ago today, the US and its Gulf War coalition were enjoying our first day of ceasefire after vanquishing the Iraqi Army. It was a remarkable accomplishment that was the result of building the most capable military the world had ever seen. Certainly, the building of that coalition by Read more…