Mandate Madness

When I served in the Virginia General Assembly, I learned the hard lesson that campaigning isn’t governing. Campaigning is the argument to eventually govern. Most people who enter politics do so with an agenda in mind. That agenda is based on their world view and further refined by their ideology. That results in Read more…

More “Do-ahh”

Sunrises at our home on the Northern Neck on the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay are stunning. Our Creator God formed them marvelously. Fed by the Potomac along with 149 other major rivers and streams and 100,000 smaller tributaries, the Bay is a precious resource that once teemed with life.   In Read more…


Some words in the English language are contronyms; words that—depending on the context of their use—have opposite meanings. Consider the word “cleave.” It can mean to adhere or to stick to something or someone, and alternatively it can mean to cut, split, or separate something. “Bolt” can mean to secure something to Read more…

I Think By Writing

I want to take a break from dispensing wisdom to share a bit about writing. I love it. Writing is a release for me. As the postscript for each of my weekly missives, I sign off with scribendo cogito. That is part of the Roman proverb, docendo disco, scribendo cogito, or “I learn by teaching, Read more…