Swinging a Bat

It’s been thirty-two years since the first rounds went downrange in what would be eight days of artillery raids on Iraqi forces opposite the 1st Infantry Division. In that war, the First Gulf War, we sought to liberate Kuwait from Saddam Hussein’s invasion when I was part of the Division Artillery Read more…


In recent years, our nation has been beset with many problems. I’ve written about a few. But I am struck by how consistent we have been, particularly in insisting on notions, ideas, and theories that are at best silly and at worst deceitful. Some of those consistencies are remarkable. Take for example Read more…

A Rising Sun

Today is a typical wintery day in Virginia. It’s chilly, wet, and cloudy. There’s nothing romantic about that. Dismal weather wins out today. Such a day reflects how many in America see the state of our nation. There is so much to worry about that it’s hard not to sink into dreariness about our Read more…

A Tale of Two Legislatures

Following New Year’s Day, two legislatures convened. On 11 January, the Virginia General Assembly went into session in Richmond, Virginia. Ninety miles north—following a rather raucous beginning in the House of Representatives—the US Congress convened in Washington, DC.  There’s much to be learned concerning both. In Richmond, the Virginia General Assembly is Read more…