I Think By Writing

I want to take a break from dispensing wisdom to share a bit about writing. I love it. Writing is a release for me. As the postscript for each of my weekly missives, I sign off with scribendo cogito. That is part of the Roman proverb, docendo disco, scribendo cogito, or “I learn by teaching, Read more…

An Important Acronym

There’s nothing more confusing to average folks than military acronyms. The U.S. Army has a lot of them. One that is important for taxpayers to understand is DOTMLPF, pronounced in military parlance “Dot-Mil-P-F.” What in the world does that mean? In short, it stands for Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership (including Education), Personnel, and Facilities.  Read more…


It was something I could no longer put off. My eyesight was steadily growing worse. About five years ago, my doctor informed me that I had advancing cataracts in both eyes. It was not a surprise. As a writer, I could tell. I found it harder to read without reading glasses. I needed glasses different from bifocals Read more…

Jus in Bello

For those familiar with just war theory, it is very much an important component to civilized behavior. The concept reaches back to antiquity. But the first clear expression of it was from Saint Augustine. He believed that while the immediate resort to violence should be avoided, God has given government the power to Read more…

Yanks in Blue Berets

Despite all the circumambient dysfunction and trouble we see today, I’m taking a break from all of it to update you on happier news. My publisher, the University Press of Kentucky, has announced that my latest book, Yanks in Blue Berets: American UN Peacekeepers in the Middle East, will be released for publication Read more…

Loan Larceny

This week we learned that the President of the United Sates had decided—by fiat—that any student earning under $125,000 a year who also has an outstanding student loan debt will not be required to pay it in full. Never mind that some people have already paid off their student loans. They clearly should have delayed Read more…

Self-Retracting Bayonets

There’s lots of wisdom concerning the consequences one might suffer when acting out of anger, seeking revenge, or exacting retribution from someone whom you are certain deserves it. The Book of Proverbs is replete with warnings about anger. Here are a few. A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up Read more…