Happy Fingers

To say that we have just survived a tumultuous election season would be an understatement.  I won’t recount that here.  It makes me weary to even think about it.  Indeed, my fingers seem incapable of tapping out any remembrance. It’s as if my fingers are saying to me, “Pah-leezzzzz, oh Read more…


Some years ago, I wrote—not original thoughts—that the purpose of the free speech amendment was designed to distill truth from a reasonable discussion of the facts of a matter.  The idea here is that when we discuss, argue, or debate a proposition, the purpose is to arrive at some form Read more…

Taunting Voters

I have a memory of several past Presidential elections. The year after my birth, Republican Dwight Eisenhower defeated his Democrat rival Adlai Stevenson. I was too young to remember that election or the one that followed when Eisenhower dispatched Stevenson again. The first presidential contest I recall was in 1960. Read more…

The Trust Deficit

Trust is an essential factor in relationships.  We learn that from the moment that our parents take us in their arms.  They are expressing love.  That loving care is the foundation for trust we extend to our mothers and fathers.  The people holding us are taking care of us.  We learn to trust them.  Then Read more…