Truth, Not Bile

It’s depressing how much the nation is divided.  To be sure I am on the side of a conservative world view. I vote that way. But it is nonetheless divisive.  People in America today seem overly invested in their ideological views.  So much so that relationships between family and friends Read more…


Those who despise President Donald Trump are in high dudgeon these days. Indeed, their fitful indignation in the wake of the President’s remarkable political resurrection and his first weeks in office is ironic. Why? Because they elected him. “How,” you might wonder. Through their missteps following his defeat in 2020. Read more…

Be It Resolved

Each year millions of Americans engage in the time-honored practice of making resolutions they intend to keep for the coming year.  They rarely get to the halfway point before giving up.  Nonetheless, I have a few.  Some spiritual.  Others health related.  Almost none dealing with travel, although I really want Read more…


After this past election, Democrats are struggling to understand what hit them. Imagine the crew of an overloaded truck bottomed out at a railroad crossing, standing by with hands on hips thinking about how to get unstuck when the freight train slams into them.  Frankly, they didn’t even see it Read more…

Digging Foundations

I’ve been thinking about foundations lately.  No, not the ones that dole out money to this or that activity.  And certainly not the cosmetic that covers up the flaws in one’s skin.  I’ve been thinking about foundations that support or undergird a structure. Earlier this year, it dawned on me that we needed to Read more…