Fidelity, Not Fear

The political debate in America has become alarmingly toxic between those who seek to change the nation and those who want to preserve it.  Now both sides of the political spectrum are working hard to press their particular vision upon the other. Each wants change immediately and are seemingly willing Read more…

The Age of Resurgence

The seasons of history vary based on the significance of events happening then.  The Roman Empire grew and sprawled across the Mediterranean in a most impressive manner.  At a time when conflict and conquest was the primary means of expansion, Rome perfected those traits.  From the 6th Century BC until Read more…

The Road to Acquiescence

National Security is important.  It’s particularly important these days especially in untangling from the war in Ukraine.  Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea and their subsequently larger invasion of Ukraine in 2022 sent a clear message to the world. And that message?  Vladimir Putin was intent on reassembling the former Soviet Read more…

Truth, Not Bile

It’s depressing how much the nation is divided.  To be sure I am on the side of a conservative world view. I vote that way. But it is nonetheless divisive.  People in America today seem overly invested in their ideological views.  So much so that relationships between family and friends Read more…


Those who despise President Donald Trump are in high dudgeon these days. Indeed, their fitful indignation in the wake of the President’s remarkable political resurrection and his first weeks in office is ironic. Why? Because they elected him. “How,” you might wonder. Through their missteps following his defeat in 2020. Read more…