Blissful Ignorance

Recently I was thinking about how blessed we are in our modern existence. Like many of you, I’ve travelled throughout Europe. In the process I’ve visited museums and castles where images of past kings, queens, dukes, and duchesses graced the walls. There were also images of common people doing common things, frequently in Read more…

Words and Frogs

I’ve spent a good portion of life in the political world, so I am familiar with how words are used in politics and, if the public isn’t adroit in understanding how terms are used to manipulate the truth, they risk being hoodwinked. Some words have been twisted beyond reason and Read more…

On Writing

I love to write. So I thought I’d use my update this week to share with you how I go about it. The start point is fairly basic. I ask myself, “What will I write about this week and do I have anything to say on the topic that would be useful?” Nothing is Read more…

Copy Book Warrior

This week I’ve decided to share something with you that is not so much about “wisdom” as it is self-indulgence; namely some updates on my book Desert Redleg: Artillery Warfare in the First Gulf War. First, sales are going well, particularly since the book had a late start getting into bookstores Read more…

Deserving and Preserving

I was a soldier most of my adult life. My time as a legislator came afterwards and I learned in short order that politics, particularly in a campaign, is about making the case to lead. Governance is actually engaging in that leadership. The former can be very partisan. The latter is particularly challenging. One Read more…

The Wrong Motto

What would they think? It’s a debatable proposition whether our Founding Fathers would be supportive of all that is being done in today’s America in the name of unifying the country. Indeed, would they recoil in the face of disunifying activities done in the name of unity? Or would they regard them as Read more…

Borrowed Leadership

Leadership has been on my mind lately. Most of the lessons I learned about the subject are from others who modeled it. I learned the principles in my military education and practiced them in the course of my time as a soldier and a legislator. But to be certain, my philosophy of leadership Read more…

Dawn or Dusk?

With the approach of Independence Day, my thoughts turn to patriotism. When I was an elected official, that included the Independence Day parade in my community where I would bring a horse drawn team and a wagon filled with supporters to greet celebrating people along the way. I shook many hands on Read more…


Cultural Revolution is afoot, at least for those who don’t seem to care for the order of a constitutional republic where the rule of law, not the rule of man, is elevated over the passions of the day. The response to the recent trouble over race by those who have taken Read more…