Term Limits

Have you ever wondered why people get involved in politics?  I suppose there’s a bit of a crusader rabbit in all of us.  I confess to that.  That may explain why people would engage in politics.  They want to make things better.  Maybe.  When I was a member of the Read more…

A 25,000 Cap

Back when I was serving in the Virginia General Assembly, I was a strong proponent of property rights. Your wallet is your property and the money in it.  There’s no right for anyone to deprive you of either.  Unlike some extreme liberal views, I don’t think that my money is owned Read more…

Entering the Arena

This week I returned to Lexington, Virginia to celebrate with my Virginia Military Institute (VMI) classmates—Brother Rats we call ourselves—the 55th anniversary of our matriculation as cadets.  On 21st of August 1969 we found ourselves immersed in a spartan lifestyle. It would bring us together in a lifelong bond. Four years Read more…

My Neighborhood

We live in a nice neighborhood.  It’s clean, well maintained, has great neighbors, and is safe.  We’re a very diverse community.  White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, private sector, retired military, former and current government employees, young and old, including and granddaddies and grammies. Shelley and I are card-carrying members of this Read more…


Imagine for a moment that you alone were in change of hiring the next President of the United States. Based on their resume, who would you hire for the job, former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris?  This is my rendering of their resumes.  Who would you pick? Read more…

Hollywood Wacky

This past week our family vacationed in the Florda panhandle.  It was a delightful news break, only interrupted by Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race. We followed the revelations on the attempted assassination of President Trump.  Shocking unpreparedness by the Secret Service.  My hope was to do some reading, which Read more…