Getting it Right

After years of fighting counterinsurgency wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US Army has a tough mission ahead of it.  During those counterinsurgency years—some of which continues today as we keep a lid on any resurgence of ISIS—the US Army engaged in a combination of urban warfare and search and Read more…

Budget Standoff

Yesterday, Virginia could not agree on a budget for the next two years.  So, the Governor and both sides agreed to symbolically meet in the epicenter of the Capitol in the shadow of Geroge Washington’s statue and plot a way forward.  That path will take the General Assembly into a Read more…

A Gardener

I love spring.  Most people do.  Set aside the possibility of a late season cold or flu.  I’ve had those in the April and May time frame, and they can knock you out and ruin balmy days, budding flowers, and blossoming trees. And yes, I also get hay fever—allergies more generally—and Read more…