Imagine for a moment that you alone were in change of hiring the next President of the United States. Based on their resume, who would you hire for the job, former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris?  This is my rendering of their resumes.  Who would you pick?


Objective: Serve as President of the US.

Education: Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, May 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in economics

Business Experience: International private sector business leader. Net worth of $2.6 -$3.1 billion.

Government Experience: President of the United States building the strongest economy in recent history to include low inflation, reduced regulation, and lower taxes.


Biden-nomics: Will end them

Gaza: Supports Israel 100%

Iran: Opposes Iran Nuclear deal. Ordered the killing of Iran’s top terror leader.

Woke Policies: Opposes “woke” policies, especially in the military.

DEI: Opposed

Reparations:  Totally opposed.  

Equity: Opposes wealth transfers from
taxpayers who earned the wealth to
people who didn’t earn any of it.

Supreme Court: Opposes court packing. Appoint conservative judges.

Limited Government: Supports

Politics: Populist Conservative. Supports
a conservative freedom agenda.

America: Make it First.


Objective: Serve as President of the US.

Education: Howard University, 1986, political science. Hastings College of Law, 1989. (Failed first bar exam.)

Business Experience: None. Has a net worth of $8 million from many government-paid jobs.

Government Experience: Public prosecutor, California Attorney General, US Senator, Vice President over a high inflation, over-regulated, and flagging economy.


Biden-nomics: Totally supports them

Gaza: Supports Hamas protestors

Iran: Supported the Iran Nuclear deal. Opposed killing of Iran’s top terror leader.

Woke Policies: Says everyone should be “woke”, especially in military.

DEI: Pushes for DEI for all society

Reparations:  Totally supports.  

Equity: Supports granting people the same level of success through wealth confiscations and/or wealth transfers

Supreme Court: Pack it with liberal justices and remove conservative ones

Limited Government: No limits

Politics: Democrat Socialist, most liberal Senator in the US Congress

America: Blame it First.

Take your pick.  But when you do, think about the country you will hand to your children and grandchildren.  Is it one built by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, and Hamilton?  Or is it one built by Marx, Bernie Sanders, and the Woke Squad that currently plagues the Congress?

To be sure, the contrast above is highly political and reflects my bias.  But it’s also largely accurate. Neither of these candidates is perfect. Yet they’re diametrically opposed in ways that create an obvious choice, even if you don’t like that choice.  

It’s no secret that my preferences were elsewhere during the Republican primary. I made no secret of that. But when you consider what is at stake—the future of the nation in a highly dangerous and uncertain world—my strong preference is for our former President.

Vice President Harris is not evil.  She is simply and plainly unqualified and far too liberal—including her running mate Tim Walz—to be trusted with the reins of power. And while President Trump is no choir boy, he is experienced as a President who accumulated much economic success until the COVID epidemic pulled the rug from under his feet, to say nothing of the contrived political investigations and false narratives thrown at him during his first term.  

On the border, Trump make major headway while Harris made a mess of it in her role as—not debatable—border “czar.”  Moreover, Trump fought terror credibly in the Middle East and the despicable behavior of our clear adversary, Russia, was kept in check.  Some people found his foreign policy to be ruckus.  But he kept us out of wars.  

That cannot be said of Biden or Harris.  The proof is in the pudding on this.  And like it or not, we are amid wars that compel us to rational actions.  The war in Ukraine needs to end in a way that is favorable to the civilized world, which sadly no longer includes Russia. The War in Gaza and soon in Lebanon will not end satisfactorily until Israel is permitted—and helped by the US—to destroy Hamas, Hezbollah, and repulse Iranian hegemony in the Middle East, including the latter’s attainment of nuclear weapons.

Harris will be hopelessly loss handling all of these problems. Trump will take a no-nonsense approach, move quickly and forcefully to set things right both at home and abroad.

Will he continue to exhibit the personality traits that some find irritating?  Undoubtedly. His tendency to self-aggrandizement won’t disappear, just as the annoyingly persistent habits of a well-meaning relative offends everyone at a messy family reunion.

But this is certain. We have two choices at a time when we need strong leadership and if we choose poorly, things will be perilous for us for years.

Categories: CBW


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