Here is a State of the Union address we need to hear.

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, and my fellow Americans, Article II: Section 3 of our Constitution states that the President should “from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” A spoken address is not required and sadly when given pro se, they have become little more than presidential rodomontades. But now is not the time for bragging or self-adulation. Now is the time to speak honestly about the state of our union. We are fractured, bitterly divided, and approaching a dysfunction that threatens our survival as a nation. My fellow Americans, the state of our union is in peril. It is time to speak plainly and truthfully.

We have become a nation that has rejected the rule of law in favor of the rule of ideology. We no longer concern ourselves with the rights of victims, preferring to favor the rights of the victimizers who are assaulting our families, communities, states, and nation. The very day they commit crimes and are arrested, we release scofflaws onto our streets to continue to torment us. We parole convicted criminals who re-offend even before they have served their justified sentences or paid full restitution for their grievous acts. We are besieged with a drug epidemic that is enabled by our complete failure to secure our borders. We have rejected the law and embraced lawlessness in the false hope that it will sustain freedom. It is doing the opposite. America, our union is under assault.

We are engaging in profligate spending at the Federal level that threatens to destroy our free enterprise system. Once we were concerned when national debt was 75 percent of our gross national product. Today our debt exceeds 128 percent of everything we produce. Yet legislators call for more spending, wrongly thinking that such rank irresponsibility is sound fiscal policy. This is lunacy that must be rejected now. America, we are addicted to spending and debt and that undermines the state of our union.

We have rejected the wisdom of our Founders and the virtue they knew was vital in sustaining our freedom. We now prefer to view these great men as racists and evil-doers whose words, accomplishments, pictures, and statues must be abolished or torn down based on a false interpretation of history that is a profoundly anti-American ideology. Moreover, the most radical among us now claim that our identity is manifestly racial in nature and not “One nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” The false prophets of our time would have us reject E pluribus unum for divide et impera. Yet they would disregard the warnings of our Founders that to abandon “out of many one,” for “divide and conquer” would fulfill the desire of our enemies. Too many in our society embrace the disunity of racial division and class warfare, while subscribing to historical obscurantism to fracture our society. The union is being torn asunder while we watch passively.

Most alarming is the state of family unity in America, one that has been gravely damaged by divorce, out-of-wedlock births, sexual abuse, violence, drug addiction, gang warfare, and an education system that is failing future generations. We seem to have forgotten as a nation that families are the fundamental civilizing feature of society. We benefit when a man and a woman are faithfully committed to one another. Indeed, strong families are able to raise children in love and equip them to be virtuous citizens in their neighborhood, state, and nation. But we have allowed and encouraged anti-religious sentiments to undermine the Judeo-Christian institution of the family. Now we are told that the institution of marriage is passé. That the gender of our birth is irrelevant and that children should be subjected to gender altering procedures even before they are old enough to understand the long-term consequences. America, the fractured state of our families undermines the State of our Union, and we must speak up now and end the desecration of this foundational institution.

Many will say that these remarks are divisive. No. They simply and plainly reveal the divisiveness that is destroying our nation. In the Bible, we read how Ezra and Nehemiah revived the Children of Abraham in rebuilding their society from years of subjugation and desolation. Like them, we also can rebuild the foundations of our nation, not with secular legislation but by a spiritual revival. Let us resolve to seek out the Nehemiahs of our age to rebuild the state of our union and unleash a new beginning to a greater nation. If not us, who? If not now, when?

Good night and God Bless America.

Categories: CBW


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