Hoping For Leadership

Some years ago, I was speaking with a distinguished scholar and former university president.  Over coffee he lamented, “Where are the Marshalls of today?”  I knew to whom he was referring.  General George Catlett Marshall, a 1901 graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, former Chief of Staff of the Army, Read more…

Blind Spots

Has anyone ever said to you that you have a blind spot?  What does that mean?  Literally a blind spot is (1) an area where a person’s view is obstructed or (2) an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality.  I recently purchased a new car that deals Read more…

The Right Label

Many people misdiagnose what is wrong with our government.  In particular they tend to personalize what’s wrong with Congress.  You hear the charges all the time.  She’s a “socialist,” he’s “establishment,” or she’s a “globalist” and he’s a “neocon.” Most of the people who simplemindedly cling to bumper sticker monikers to Read more…

Deceitful Language

It’s not a new thing for politicians and ideologues to massage language to advance their efforts to achieve power and influence in societies.  We see it all the time.  Unfortunately, in America today, the twisting of words and their meanings is used extensively to deceive people concerning numerous topics.  Consider Read more…